Daily Readings (Page 198)
Numbers 13:26 – 14:4; 32:6-13
What was at the heart of Israel’s disobedience to God’s command to occupy Canaan? What does true worship of God require?
Psalm 95:8-11
Why was God so angry with his people then? What consequence did they face? What lesson should that episode in Israel’s history serve for God’s people today?
Psalm 95:6-7
What call does the psalmist issue once again? Why? What is it that best describes God’s relationship with us?
Psalm 95:3-5
The psalmist offers reasons to his earlier call. What is it? How is God described here? What do those descriptions mean to you?
Psalm 95:1-2
What is the psalmist calling God’s people to do? How are we to do it? How is God described here?
Psalm 95
What three words would you use to describe the overall theme of the entire psalm? How are those three words significant to you?
1 Timothy 2:1-6
What does a God-pleasing life of worship look like? What ought to be at its centre? What adjustment is needed so that your life can be rightly centred and become more pleasing to God?
Ephesians 4:1-6
Worship goes beyond a Sunday corporate service into our lives. What identity and priority should Christian people live by? Why?
1 Corinthians 14:29-33
Which attribute of God is highlighted here? How does it apply to the exercise of specific gift in Paul’s worship context? How might it also apply to our context?
1 Corinthians 14:26-28
What is Paul seeking to highlight about a worship gathering in verse 26? What then is a potential problem in such a gathering? What principle should preside over such a gathering?