Daily Readings (Page 201)
Revelation 2-3
Of the 7 churches only the Churches in Smyrna and Philadelphia received nothing but praise and promises. Why do you think this was so? Would ORPC today receive praise from Jesus? What would Jesus tell us to improve on?
Revelation 3:10
There will come “an hour of trial upon the whole earth”. What is the purpose of this trial, and what does God promise to those who remain faithful (vv11-12)?
Revelation 3:9
How is the “synagogue of Satan” described? How does a church go from being the “bride of Christ” to becoming a synagogue of Satan? What can be done to prevent this from happening?
Revelation 3:8b
What is meant when a church is described as having “little strength”? How does a church increase strength? Which condition is better for the Kingdom of God?
Revelation 3:7b
What do you think is meant by “What he opens, no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open”?
Revelation 3:7-13
What is the overall assessment of the Lord Jesus concerning the church at Philadelphia?
Revelation 3:6
Be still and listen to what the Spirit of God says to us through the words to the church at Sardis.
Revelation 3:5
What a joy and privilege it is for God to hold us up in “white garments” and whose names are in “the book of life.” Are we part of them?
Revelation 3:4
Hope can be found in the faithful remnant who are exemplary. Are we part of these “unsoiled” few who hold up the Name of the Lord?
Revelation 3:3
The church at Sardis was cautioned to be alert; how may we be alert that we may be ready for Christ’s coming?