Daily Readings (Page 208)
Judges 15:9-13
What attitude did the men of Judah have over the Philistines? How was this different from their attitude towards previous oppressors?
Judges 15-16
What characteristics stand out in this narrative? Is he to be admired? Why or why not?
Judges 13-14
Note the contradictory elements in Samson’s character. He was a judge yet his dubious behaviour with Philistine women betrayed a lack of discipline and holiness. How important is it for our Christian behaviour to be consistent with our Christian beliefs?
Judges 14:6-9
Samson was physically endowed with tremendous strength. But what was his social life like? What was wrong with taking honey from the lion’s carcass (v 8f)? The feast may have included wine which Samson was not permitted under the Nazirite vow (see 13.4). What does this tell us about Samson’s character?
Judges 14:3-4
On what grounds did Samson’s parents object to his choice? How important a factor is this to you? (See also Genesis 24.3-4; 2 Corinthians 6.14-16).
Judges 14:1-2
What was Samson’s criterion for wanting a Philistine woman for his wife? Is a person’s physical appearance sufficient criteria for selecting him/her for your spouse? What other factors are important?
Judges 13:8
What was commendable about Manoah’s prayer? Parents, have you prayed this prayer about raising your children?
Judges 13-14
In 13:2-3: What were the circumstances leading up to Samson’s birth which indicated something special? What instructions came with the angel’s message? (“Nazirite” means “dedicated”.)
Judges 10 & 11
What indications are there in this narrative that in spite of his unfortunate background, Jephthah possessed nobility, piety and faith?
In the light of Ecclesiastes 5:2-6 and Deut 23:21-23
In the light of Ecclesiastes 5:2-6 and Deut 23:21-23, what do Jephthah’s actions teach about the sacredness of a promise to God, and the need to realize the implications of that promise?