Daily Readings (Page 210)

Daily Readings (Page 210)

1 Timothy 1:12-17

God has entrusted the Gospel to Paul (v11) to share the example of his conversion with the sinful world.  God can do the same with our lives.  Are you an example of God’s grace?

1 Timothy 1:17

Paul gives glory to God as the eternal, immortal and invisible God who still enters our sinful world to save his people.  Will you let God come into your life?

1 Timothy 1:16

Paul became the example of God’s grace in a sinful world.  God’s grace overcomes sinners and the result of the Gospel becomes evident in their transformation.  How may you respond to Him today?

1 Timothy 1:14-15

Paul was not calling attention to the greatness of his sin but to the greatness of God’s grace.  Do you just see your sin or do you also sense God’s grace?

Ephesians 4:7-16

Paul reminded us that spiritual gifts are given that there may be “unity of faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God…”  What is the ultimate goal of this unity?

Acts 4:23-31

The disciples gathered to pray for boldness in their outreach.  What happened to them right after their prayers (v31)?  What may we learn from this?

Acts 2:1-13

The day of Pentecost had arrived, what an event!  What was the outcome of this event and what impact does it have on us today?