Daily Readings (Page 217)

Daily Readings (Page 217)

Matthew 6:24

What are some “masters” we might serve today?  How do they master us?  What are the signs of “enslavement” you may be experiencing and what can be done about it?  

Mark 14:29-31

Jesus predicted that his disciples would all desert him under pressure.  Have there been times when you also have buckled under pressure?  What can we do to make sure this does not happen to us?

Mark 14:22-23

They all ate and drank together, and yet in v27 Jesus announced that they would all fall away.  How is it possible to “fall away” even when we are in relationship with God and each other?  What measures can we take to ensure this does not happen to us today?

Mark 14:22-24

The bread and wine (and singing) were part of the Passover meal which all Jews commemorated at this time of the Jewish calendar.  Jesus added new words “Take it; this is my body.”  “This is my blood of the covenant which is poured out for many.”  Why do you think he did this?     

Mark 14:16

Why were Jesus and his disciples in Jerusalem?  Why was this significant for Jesus’ impending death? (see Exodus 12:1-16).

Mark 14:12-31

As you trace the events which unfolded during the last week of Jesus’ earthly life, notice His state of preparedness (vv12-16).  What does this tell you about the mental state Jesus was in?  

Mark 14:11

Jesus had known that Judas had never believed in him and money was probably not the only reason for the betrayal.  What are some reasons why Judas betrayed Jesus?  

Mark 14:6-9

Yet, Jesus describes the woman’s action as acceptable, especially when she did the right thing to prepare him for burial.  It was a clear sign of Jesus’ prediction of his death.  How is this prediction connected with the proclamation of the gospel in v9?