Daily Readings (Page 219)

Daily Readings (Page 219)

Mark 13:9-13

In the midst of turmoil, calamities and instabilities, Christ’s disciples are to be Spirit-led witness of our Saviour everywhere.  Are we ready to fulfil God’s calling in such a time as this?  

Mark 13:5-8

Instead of answering the disciples’ question directly, Jesus addressed the timing of the coming events: war and geographical calamities, persecution and destruction of the temple.  Reflect on what’s happening in our world today, what do you think Jesus is saying to us?

Mark 13:3-4

From the temple’s eastern slope of the Mount of Olives, the disciples and Jesus had a grand view of the magnificent temple; there they asked for the sign to know when the prophecy would happen.  Did they actually believe that the temple would be destroyed?  

Mark 13:2

Jesus prophesied the future destruction of the temple (and Jerusalem) which eventually happened between A.D. 66-70.  Reflect on the significance that Jesus wanted us to learn.  

Mark 13:1

It may not be easy to imagine how massive these stones that were referred to here.  Check a good reference work and read about the Temple Mount in the time of Christ.  

Mark 12:43-44

As we reflect on v43b: “the poor widow gave more than all the rich people”, how does that affect our attitude in our own giving?  

Mark 12:38-40

Status, position and recognition were what these teachers of the law were after.  What may we learn from them through what Jesus was saying?     

Mark 14:17-19

During the Passover feast, Jesus tells the Twelve that one of them will betray him.  What do you think they were feeling as they heard these words?  Have you ever felt that you betrayed Jesus?  How did you deal with that experience?