Daily Readings (Page 229)
Gal 4:6-9
What is the difference between religion and relationship with God? What is the mark of sonship? What benefit comes from being a son?
Gal 3:3
Why is human effort so attractive for religion? See Eph 2:8-9.
Gal 3:1-5
Paul writes to warn about being bewitched (by Jewish-minded teachers who advocated circumcision and law-keeping). What was Paul’s emphasis? (see vv 3:2, 5)
Matt 28:19
What are the four verbs which are part of the Great Commission? Are you/is ORPC obeying these commands? Give reasons for your answer.
Matt 28:18
Jesus declared that “all authority in heaven and earth had been given to me”, and in v20 “I am with you always”. Why is this important for evangelism?
Matt 28:17
How is it that even when the eleven saw the Risen Jesus, “they worshipped him, but some doubted”? Would you have doubted if you had been there? Why or why not?
Matt 28:16
The disciples went to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go (Matt 28:10). If they hadn’t obeyed what would they have missed?
Read Matt 28:1-15
How is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ related to the Great Commission?
Matt 28:16-20
What is the context of this section commonly called “The Great Commission”?
Acts 2:42-47
List the characteristics of the early believers as they began to live the new life empowered by the Spirit. Notice it not only affected them, but also the community which they lived in as well. Are we similarly transformed?