Daily Readings (Page 231)

Daily Readings (Page 231)

Romans 1:16

Paul was not ashamed of the Gospel of salvation which is life-changing; in what ways did our testimonies display such shame without us knowing it?

Colossians 4

True spirituality is Christ-centred and cultivated through spiritual disciplines; work on your disciplines to enable you to draw closer to God this coming week.

Colossians 3

Paul has called on believers to “put on the new self” this involves “putting to death”, “putting off” and “putting on”.  How may we apply these today?

Colossians 2:6-7

Paul summarises the entire letter in these two verses to help us prepare for spiritual growth as well as spiritual warfare.  How may we apply this truth in our lives?

Colossians 4:16-18

Paul’s letter had been such a blessing to his recipients in powerful ways.  Take the time this week to write a letter of encouragement to a small group in ORPC to spur them on in their Christian growth.

Colossians 4:15

This verse gives evidence of the existence of house churches (see also 1 Cor 16:19; Rom 16:3-5).  Though they were not formally recognised, they were nonetheless a formidable force in the advance of the early church.  Let’s remember many such churches especially in persecuted nations.