Daily Readings (Page 234)

Daily Readings (Page 234)

Luke 7:36-38

What was the significance behind the act of the sinful woman in wiping Jesus’ feet with her hair and anointing them with expensive perfume?

Col 3:11-12

From now, everyone is defined by Christ as we are included in Him – no longer Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian or Scythian, slave or free?  What are we to put on?

Col 3:5-7

What are we to put to death?  What does it mean to “kill off” what belongs to our earthly nature towards which God’s wrath is directed and the ways we used to live?

Acts 10:24-33

God moved Peter to share the Gospel with Gentiles. Would you be willing to cross similar barriers in order to share the Gospel with non-Christians?