Daily Readings (Page 235)
Acts 10:9-16
What meaning did the vision hold for Peter?
Acts 10:3-8
Why did the angel appear to Cornelius? What assignment did the angel give and what was Cornelius’ response?
Acts 10:1-2
How was Cornelius different from the other Romans?
Col 3:4
How do you prepare yourself for the day when Christ appears with you in glory?
Col 3:3
What does it mean to die and to have our minds hidden with Christ? Have you already done that? If not, what must you do?
Col 2:23
What are they lacking?
Col 2:22
Why are these “basic principles” all destined to perish with use?
Col 2:20-21
How should our attitude be to “the basic principles of the world” since we have died with Christ?
Col 2:16-23
What “shadows” were the Colossians adding to the “reality” they had found in Christ? What shadows are we tempted to add today?.
Col 2:11-15
Why is it important for Jesus to take care of our sinful nature (v 11) as well as our sins (v 13)?