Daily Readings (Page 240)
Hebrews 9:11-15
What does the Tabernacle building project ultimately point forward to? In what shall we find satisfaction and fulfillment?
Exodus 39:32-43
The Israelites finally completed all that God had commanded them to build. Verse 43 communicates Moses’ sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. Who are we pleasing when we do God’s work?
Exodus 39:22-31
What would the plate and the sacred diadem, constantly remind Aaron and his sons about God and His ways?
Exodus 39:8-21
What purpose did the breastpiece serve? How would God guide the priests? (Cf. Ex 28:15, 29-30)
Exodus 39:2-7
By fastening the onyx stones on the ephod, who did Aaron represent before God? Similarly, who does Jesus represent before God (Heb 4:14-16)?
Exodus 39:1
Why did the people make sacred garments for Aaron? Was it because Aaron was \”holier\” than they were? Consider Ex 32:2-4.
Acts 2:41-47
What were the attitude of these believers? How do our attitudes here in ORPC compare to their?
Acts 2:37-39
How would you explain to someone what it means to be a Christian?
Acts 2:22-36 and John 18:25-27
Compare Peter’s action in both passages. How had Peter changed? What do you think caused the change?
Acts 2:17-36
This was Peter’s testimony of Jesus. What are the two most important ideas from this testimony to you?