Daily Readings (Page 246)

Daily Readings (Page 246)

John 20:1-9

What was it that ‘the other disciple’ \”saw and believed\”? (Consider carefully what he saw in the tomb in vv5-7 and in what way they convinced him that Jesus had risen from the dead.)

Mark 11:1-11

Was Jesus then fulfilling the Jewish aspirations of Messiahship then?  Why you think He was not?  What had Jesus brought in its place instead?

Mark 11:1-3

What would you be thinking if you were one of the two disciples entrusted to prepare for Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem?

Matthew 7:28-29

Christ taught with authority and His word opened the eyes of the hearers who were there.  His authority unlike the Scribes who based it on quoting other sources, Christ teaches His listeners from God personally.  How may we speak with an authority that comes from our personal relationship with God?