Daily Readings (Page 253)
Exodus 19:1-6
What was Moses commanded to say to the Israelites? What did God promise to them?
Exodus 17:15-16
What did Moses call the altar which he built? Why? How does this passage help us understand how prayer and action are linked?
Exodus 18:27
Jethro was with Moses for only a matter of days, but his influence made a major impact on Moses’ leadership. What does this tell you about the impact of good counsel?
Exodus 18:19-26
How much of the advice did Moses take in? What does this tell you about his attitude as a leader?
Exodus 18:16-18
Do you think that it was right for Jethro to give advice to Moses? What was Moses’ response to his counsel?
Exodus 18:13-15
What can you observe about Moses’ leadership and his daily routine? How would you have felt if you were in his shoes? Was this a viable long-term solution for Israel?
Exodus 17:15-16
What did Moses call the altar which he built? Why? How does this passage help us understand how prayer and action are linked?
Exodus 18:9-12
What did Moses testify to Jethro? Note Jethro’s reply, do you think it was the right response?
Exodus 17:14
What did God tell Moses to write concerning Amalek? When was this prophecy fulfilled? (see 1 Samuel 15:3)
Exodus 18:1-4
What do the names of Moses’ sons recall for him?