Daily Readings (Page 257)
John 1
God has prepared the world for the coming of the Messiah. Consider also how you may be part of that preparation.
John 3:16
Reflect on your experiences this Christmas season, let love be the central theme of your life.
Matthew 25:1-13
Christ has come and He will come again. Are we ready for His second Advent?
Psalm 100
Joy is the key in this psalm. Reflect on how you may focus on joy this Christmas season.
Isaiah 9
What further clues are given in 9:6 for “he” who is mentioned in v1? List the four names given to the expected Messiah; what comes to mind as you think of each one? In v7 what are the 3 additional features of his government? Praise God that Jesus is all these and more!
Isaiah 9
What does it mean that “the government will be on His shoulders” (9:6)?
Isaiah 9
In 9:4-5, speak about the promise of freedom and independence. Why are these promises so important? Do you get discouraged easily? Consider if your discouragement is related to forgetting God’s promises.
Isaiah 9
In 9:2, what will those in darkness see? How is the darkness described? How will they be helped?
Isaiah 9
In 9:1, who does Isaiah say will make Zebulun and Naphtali “glorious”?
Isaiah 9
Go through verses 1-5 and circle all the words which speak of darkness or pain. Praise God that He is aware of our times of darkness and pain.