Daily Readings (Page 257)

Daily Readings (Page 257)

John 1

God has prepared the world for the coming of the Messiah.  Consider also how you may be part of that preparation.

Isaiah 9

What further clues are given in 9:6 for “he” who is mentioned in v1? List the four names given to the expected Messiah; what comes to mind as you think of each one? In v7 what are the 3 additional features of his government? Praise God that Jesus is all these and more!

Isaiah 9

In 9:4-5, speak about the promise of freedom and independence. Why are these promises so important? Do you get discouraged easily? Consider if your discouragement is related to forgetting God’s promises.

Isaiah 9

Go through verses 1-5 and circle all the words which speak of darkness or pain.  Praise God that He is aware of our times of darkness and pain.