Daily Readings (Page 258)
Galatians 4:1-7
Read this passage again with gratitude in your hearts and recall a related hymn or a song and sing it aloud with thanksgiving.
Galatians 4:8-11
With the change from being slaves to God’s own children, we should learn to remain faithful to God who brought this change into our lives. How may we stay true to an unchanging God?
Galatians 4:6-7
As God’s children, we have His Spirit to bond us to Him and seal our intimate relationship with Him. Take a moment to thank God for your status.
Galatians 4:4-5
God’s timing is to redeem those who are enslaved to bring them freedom and to give them a new identity. Do you know to whom you belong and who you are?
Galatians 4:4
There is a time for everything but the most important element of time is that God’s providential oversight of human history is always perfect. What time is it, for you?
Galatians 4:1-3
\”Under the old covenant, a minor without his inheritance was like a slave, without rights but only potentials. Without Christ, we too are like slaves\”. Reflect on this.
John 1:15-18
What attribute of Jesus is overwhelmingly clear in verse 16? To whom may you also shower such generosity as Christ has done to you?
John 1:14
God became man in the person of Jesus Christ. What was he like? How may you grow to be more like him at home and in the workplace?
John 1:10-13
What special gift has people missed if they do not receive Jesus? For you who have received Jesus, how has your new identity in Christ affected your perspective to life and also the way you live?
John 1:6-9
What was the mission of John the Baptist? In view of the Great Commission, what are we as ‘witnesses’ also called to ‘testify’?