Daily Readings (Page 264)
Genesis 22
Write down a few ways this episode in Abraham’s life can teach you about growing in faith.
Genesis 22:15-16
What do you think is the significance of God swearing by Himself?
Genesis 22:11-14
What do you think was the significance of God providing the lamb?
Genesis 22:7-10
What was Abraham’s answer to Isaac’s question? What does this tell us about his faith?
Genesis 22:3-10
How did Abraham show his willingness to obey God despite this difficult situation? How far are you willing to go for God?
Genesis 22:1-2
Think back on God’s promise of Isaac (see Genesis 18). List the reasons why it would be hard for Abraham to submit to God’s demands.
Psalm 73:23-28
What characteristics of God are declared in these verses? Recount the moments when you have experienced these characteristics of God.
Psalm 73:18-20
Compare and contrast this reality of the wicked to their ‘appearance’ seen in vv3-12.
Psalm 73:13-17
What are the attitudes the Psalmist displayed in these verses? At which point did his attitude change?
Psalm 73: 4-12
How did the Psalmist describe the wicked?