Daily Readings (Page 267)

Daily Readings (Page 267)

Exodus 7:22-24

Since the Egyptian magicians are able to do what Moses does, how does that make Pharaoh feel about the God of the Hebrews? How do you feel about God when you are successful and able?

Exodus 7:14-16

What does Pharaoh’s refusal to let the Israelites go show about his heart? When we refuse to listen to God’s word, what does it show about our hearts?

Exodus 7:1-5

Why would Pharaoh listen to the faltering lips of Moses? How would God treat Pharaoh and the Egyptians? What assurances and warnings are there for us as God’s people today?

Exodus 6:9-12

Unfortunately, the Israelites would not submit to God as their Lord. What caused them not to submit? What causes you not to submit to God?

Exodus 6:6-8

These verses begin and end with God declaring his identity – “I am the LORD”. How would He demonstrate His Lordship? Will you willingly submit to this God as your Lord? Why?