Daily Readings (Page 270)
Exodus 32:1-6, 21-27
What were the consequences for Israel when Aaron was given leadership?
Exodus 4:14-17
Was God justified in being angry with Moses?
Exodus 4:11-13
What further assurances had God given to counter Moses’ excuse?
Exodus 4:10
What does this tell us about Moses’ excuse?
Exodus 3:18-22
How did God plunder the Egyptians to enrich the Israelites? Had He the right?
Exodus 4:6-9
The additional miracles were given to Moses purely on God’s initiative. What does this tells us about God?
Exodus 3:16-17
What were the consequences for God involving Aaron in His calling of Moses?
Exodus 4:1-5
What did God enable Moses to do to convince the Israelites?
Exodus 3:13-15
How did God show His mercy when Moses gave excuse after excuse to avoid doing God’s bidding?
Exodus 3:10-12
What was Moses actually focusing upon when he told God that he was a nobody?