Daily Readings (Page 286)
Mark 2:21-22
What did Jesus mean when He mentioned the unshrunk cloth on an old garment (v21) and new wine being poured into old wineskins (v22)?
Mark 2:18-20
What did Jesus mean when He said that \”the guests of the bridegroom would fast when He would be taken away from them (v20)\”?
Mark 2:17
Do you agree with Jesus’ statement? If so, how would it affect your attitude towards befriending “sinners” for Jesus’ sake?
Mark 2:15-16
What good example can you learn from Levi? How often do you introduce your friends and colleagues to Jesus?
Mark 2:13-14
Jesus singled out Levi from the crowd and called him personally to follow Him? Is Jesus now calling you to follow Him. What is your response?
Mark 2:8-12
Similarly, do you think it was easier for Jesus to say to the paralytic that his sins were forgiven or to ask him to take up his mat and walk (v9)?
Mark 1:40-45
What do we learn about Jesus’ compassion in this episode? Pray that we may be like Jesus in His compassion.
Mark 2:6-7
What do you think of the thoughts of the teachers of the law? Do you think they were right in supposing that only God could forgive sins (v7)?
Mark 1:35-39
How does this teach us about the way Jesus prioritized activities in His ministry?
Mark 2:1-5
The men would have (presumably) asked Jesus to heal the paralytic but what did Jesus say to him instead (v5)?