Daily Readings (Page 289)

Daily Readings (Page 289)

Matthew 1:20-21 and Psalm 130:8

Joseph was told that the child to be born would be the Saviour who would save God’s people from their sins. May we realise that Jesus came to this world, not for his own sake, but for us and for our salvation.

Matthew 1:18

Let us look to the circumstances under which the Son of God entered into this world to bring God’s truth to us, in piety and holiness.

Hebrews 4:9-11

\”For the one who has entered His rest has himself also rested from his works, as God did from His.\” Let us therefore be diligent to enter that Sabbath rest as God has commanded.

Luke 2:20

Just as the seventy-two disciples returned with joy after their preaching mission, so the shepherds returned “glorifying and praising God.” May we share this spirit of doxology as we respond to the mighty words and acts of our God.

Luke 2:17-18

The shepherds “spread the word” and became the first Christian evangelists, and those who heard them “were amazed.” In what ways can we share the Good News with others so that they too can be amazed by the love of God in Christ?

Luke 2:14

The “peace” refer to in the doxology “Glory to God in the highest” is that which the Messiah brings to those He healed or forgave on the basis of their faith. May we receive the peace that only Jesus can give today.

Luke 2:12

Babies were snugly wrapped in long strips of cloth, giving them warmth and protection. Just as the security of God’s heavenly hosts surrounds a sleeping child, may we trust in God’s watchfulness when we are alone, afraid or vulnerable.

Luke 2:10-11

The angel’s announcement at the very hour of Jesus’ birth includes frequently used words in Luke’s Gospel: “bring…good news,” “joy,” “today,” “Saviour,” and “Lord.” How may we communicate the importance of this pronouncement to our relatives, friends and colleagues?

Luke 1:67-80

All the themes in Zechariah’s prophetic song affirmed that things can be put right. In what ways does knowing this give us hope today?