Daily Readings (Page 302)
Romans 4:9-12
At which point in his life was Abraham’s faith credited to him as righteousness − before or after his circumcision? What is the significance of this answer for law-keeping/rituals?
Romans 4:7,8 (quote from Ps 32:1f)
What 3 words or phrases are used to describe “the blessedness of the man to whom God credits righteousness apart from works” v6? Do you personally know the relief of these truths? If you don’t, trust in Christ’s finished work on the Cross now.
Romans 4:4-5
Was Abraham justified by works or by faith? What is the difference between “wages” and “a gift” v4f. What is Paul trying to teach by the use of these two contrasting words?
Romans 4
Why do you think Abraham is mentioned at this point of Paul’s epistle? Why is he called “the father of us all”? v16.
Romans 3: 27-31
How does “justification by faith” relate to the principle of the law?
Romans 3: 23-26
In your own words, explain what it means by being ‘justified’. What is our part in the entire process of being ‘justified’? What has God given Christ to be for us? What does it also reveal about his character?
Romans 3:10-18, 21-22
Try to reconcile these verses to what Jesus says in Matthew 5:20. Can both passages be true?
Romans 3:10-18
According to Paul, who then is righteous? Spend time in prayer to thank God for making us righteousness through his Son Jesus Christ.
Romans 3: 3-8
Paul teaches us that our unrighteousness brings out God’s righteousness. What do you think he means by this?
Romans 3:1-2
Based on what Paul is saying, is there any advantage in being a Jew? Is there any value in being circumcised, in being one of God’s covenant people?