Daily Readings (Page 308)

Daily Readings (Page 308)

Nehemiah 13:1-14

Why did Nehemiah act against Tobiah the way he did (vv8-9)? What made it necessary for him to rectify the \”neglect of God’s house\” (vv9-13)? Pray that this month’s street banner will challenge passers-by regarding their sense of self-sufficiency and encourage them to seek help from the Lord.

Nehemiah 12:44-47

What steps did the people take to ensure that the priests, Levites, singers and gatekeepers are cared for? Pray for Christians in the Middle East, who face increasing threats to their faith, their safety and their very existence.

Nehemiah 12:27-43

How did the people celebrate the dedication of the Jerusalem wall? What specific actions did the priests, Levites and singers take? Continue to pray for the camp committee as they make the final preparations. Pray for Rev Dr David Wong (camp speaker) and Pr Glenn Tan (youth speaker).

Nehemiah 12:1-26

What did the two separate lists of priests and Levites (vv1-7− returning earlier with Zerubbabel in 538 BC and vv8-21− returning during Nehemiah’s governorship) have in common? What does that say about God’s faithfulness and human loyalty across two generations? Ask God to help us respond to Him not only with words but also with deeds. Pray that…

Nehemiah 11:3-24

What does the list of residents (vv3-24) say about the administrative abilities of Nehemiah? Pray for the continual faithful preaching of God’s word and for open hearts as we prepare ourselves for the Lord’s Day tomorrow.

Nehemiah 11:1-2

Why do you think the people were so reluctant to settle in Jerusalem? Why did Nehemiah and the other leaders deem it necessary to re-populate the \”holy city\”? Pray for a good turnout for the movie outreach tomorrow evening, especially for the fathers who have been invited. Pray that God’s word will convict.

Nehemiah 10:38-39

What had neglecting God’s house taught them in the past (13:11; Hag 1:4-11)? Pray for the Sunday School team going up tomorrow evening to Joyful Grace Presbyterian Church, Pontian, for the evangelistic day-camp on Saturday. Pray also for the 120 campers as the word is being proclaimed amongst them.

Nehemiah 10:35-37

How did the Israelites’ stewardship compare to our stewardship in church today? Have you been robbing God? (Mal 3:8-12). Thank God for the commitment of each and everyone who serves under worship for the weekly Sunday services − worship leaders, preacher, choir, organist, greeters, ushers, Scripture readers, the AV team and floral ministry.

Nehemiah 10:30-34

How did the Jews demonstrate that they were good stewards? Give thanks for the good sign-up for Church Camp 2012 and continue to pray for Dcn Lawrence Tan and the camp committee as they finalised the details.

Nehemiah 10:1-29

Was Nehemiah prescribing tighter or more lenient restrictions than the Law required? Why might that be? Continue to intercede for God’s leading as the congregation prepares to elect the Senior Minister, elder and deacons on Sunday 27 May.