Daily Readings (Page 326)

Daily Readings (Page 326)

John 15:9-17

What does it mean to you when Christ Jesus calls you His friend?  How do you actually relate to Him as His servant or His friend?

John 1:9-13

What is the promise God has given to those who have received Jesus (v12)?  How do you actually relate to God as His child?

John 4:20-26

What do you understand by worship God “in spirit and in truth” (vv23-24)?  How does this change the way you now worship?            

1 Timothy 3:8-13

V11 most likely points to a third group of leadership consisting of godly women.  How do vv8-13 further emphasise Jesus’ servanthood aspects of these men and women who “wait on tables” (Acts 6:2)?    

Acts 6:1-7

Although v3 applies specifically to deacons, why is it important for all Christians “to be full of the Spirit and wisdom” as well?  How can these characteristics be formed and be grown in you? 

Acts 20:28-35

What does it mean to “keep watch” (v28 cf. 4:11-16)?  How and why is their role as elders both humbling and dangerous (vv28-31)?  

1 Peter 5:1-4

What good and bad motives did Peter give for being in leadership?  What qualities did he encourage to be cultivated?  Why are these qualities and proper motivation important during persecution?

1 Titus 1:6-9

Why was Titus’ list of qualifications concentrated mostly on “being” and not on “doing”?  Would you fit the criteria if you are interviewed by the church committee to take up leadership?  Why and why not?        

1 Timothy 3:1-7

Given the struggle with false teachers (1:7), why is this list of qualifications for leadership given to Timothy?  Why was a list of duties not given as well?  What is distinctly Christian with these qualifications?