Daily Readings (Page 33)
Romans 3:27-28
How does justification by faith exclude boasting?
Romans 3:25b-26
How is God’s justice demonstrated in the provision of His Son as an atoning sacrifice?
Romans 3:24-25a
What is the source of God’s righteousness to all who have faith in Christ?
Romans 3:22-23
How do Jews and Gentiles alike gain access to the righteousness of God?
Romans 3:21
How is the righteousness of God both continuous and discontinuous with the Old Covenant?
Rom. 3:19-20
What are the implications of humanity’s fallenness?
Rom. 3:10-18
How does Paul illustrate the universality of humanity’s bondage to sin?
Rom. 3:9
Despite the Jews having the advantage of possessing the law (v.2), what do they find themselves subject to, along with the Gentiles?
Rom. 3:5-8
How does Paul anticipate and answer his objector’s argument following his teaching in vv.3-4?
Rom. 3:3-4 in light of the context of Psalm 51
How is God’s faithfulness shown in judgement?