Daily Readings (Page 38)
John 15:6-8
Why is it essential that the branches remain in the vine?
John 15:4-5
Why is fruit-bearing so important (read also Matt. 7:16)?
John 15:1-3
What does it mean to cut and prune?
John 14:25-31
How is Jesus’ peace different from worldly peace?
John 14:22-24
How does Jesus want us to express our love for Him?
John 14:7-21
What does it mean that Jesus is in the Father, and the Father is in Him?
John 14:5-6
What did Jesus mean by what He said in verse 6?
John 14:2-4
List 3 things Jesus told his disciples so as to calm their troubled hearts.
John 14:1
What exhortation did Jesus give His disciples?
John 13:31 – 35
Jesus said to His disciples, “As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” What kind of love did Jesus exhibit to His disciples?