Daily Readings (Page 45)
1 Peter 4:7a
What should govern the lives of believers in daily living and ethics?
1 Peter 4:6
What awaits deceased believers after physical death?
1 Peter 4:4-5
What should motivate believers to persevere in the faith despite great pressures?
1 Peter 4:3
Why should believers live for the will of God? What should our rightful response be?
1 Peter 4:1-2
How does suffering benefit the believer?
1 Peter 3:21-22
What has Christ done that should encourage us even in our sufferings?
1 Peter 3:19-20
How was Noah vindicated as an example of those who suffered for doing good? In contrast, what happened to the people and the angelic spirits that disobeyed God according to Gen 6:4-7 and 2 Peter 2:4-5?
1 Peter 3:17-18
Why is it better to suffer for doing good than for doing evil?
1 Peter 3:16
Why should we seek to keep a good conscience? What did Peter say in 1 Peter 2:12?
1 Peter 3:15
How may we honour Christ?