Daily Readings (Page 6)
Isaiah 53:8-9
Why is the Servant’s suffering undeserved?
Isaiah 53:7
What is the Servant’s attitude towards his suffering?
Isaiah 53:4-6
What results from the Servant’s suffering?
Isaiah 53:1-3
What are the people’s attitudes towards God’s Servant?
Isaiah 40:10-11
How does the Lord save His people?
Isaiah 40:9
What is the rightful response of Zion at experiencing the Lord’s deliverance?
Isaiah 40:6-8
How do these verses contrast with verses 3-5? What does it show about God and humans?
Isaiah 40:5
What is the direct result of the Lord’s coming?
Isaiah 40:3-5
How will God’s deliverance come to His sinful and rebellious people?
Isaiah 40:1-2
What do these verses reveal about God’s dealing with His people?