Daily Readings (Page 70)
Malachi 2:17
What specific indictment did the prophet bring against God’s people?
Malachi 2:16
It is obvious what God feels about divorce. How can we be faithful in marriage?
Malachi 2:15
What is the intended purpose of marriage, and why would God prohibit a broken marriage?
Malachi 2:14
What was the dispute on the part of the people? What does the term “covenant” suggest when applied to the marriage relationship?
Malachi 2:13
How would you describe God’s response to the giving of sacrifices, which caused the people to weep?
Malachi 2:11-12
What was the key issue when God prohibited Israel from marrying foreign women?
Malachi 2:10
According to this verse, how is unfaithfulness to God manifested in the lives of the people of God?
Malachi 2:9
Malachi condemns the priests for their dereliction of duty in v. 9. What specific concern is addressed here?
Malachi 2:8
Malachi spells out the actual state of the priesthood in v. 8. How would you describe their condition in contrast to the positive ideals of priests in vv. 4-7?
Malachi 2:4-7
Since the contemporary examples of priesthood were so appalling, God provided a description of godly priesthood in vv. 4-7. How should priests act in a positive way?