Daily Readings (Page 73)
Romans 1:14 and 1:1-5
What are the reasons for Paul’s obligation?
Revelation 5:11-14
What can you conclude from these last 4 verses about worship? What does “Amen” mean to the four living creatures and to us?
Revelation 5:9-10
Why do they sing a new song? To whom, are they singing?
Revelation 5:7-8
Why do the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fall down before the Lamb?
Revelation 5:6
What do you think the description of this Lamb means?
Revelation 5:1-5
Why did John weep? How does the Lion of the tribe of Judah open the seals of the scroll?
Revelation 5:1-14
What do you think is the theme of the passage?
John 4:4-26
What have we learnt from Jesus about worship and personal evangelism?
John 4:21-26
What is true worship (v. 23)? What is Jesus’ proclamation and what does it mean?
John 4:13-20
Why did Jesus bring up her ugly past and present adulterous relationship?