Daily Readings (Page 88)
Exodus 12:1-4
Why did the size of the lamb offering have to correspond to the size of the family (v. 4)?
Exodus 7-11
What can we learn from the 10 plagues?
Exodus 11
How is the last plague similar to the king’s instructions regarding the sons of Israel (1:16, 22)? Why do you think this is so?
Exodus 10
How did God show His grace to the Israelites (v. 23, cf. 9:6-7, 26)?
Exodus 9
What did God want to show and proclaim through the plagues (v. 16)?
Exodus 8
What did the magicians recognise through the plague of gnats (v. 19)?
Exodus 7
What reason does God give Moses to tell Pharaoh to let the Israelites go (v. 16)?
Romans 8:23-25
Are we as His disciples waiting and hoping for God’s final redemption?
Romans 8:18-22
How is creation groaning and in bondage to decay? How is this related to waiting for God’s glory?
John 19:12-16
Why do you think the Jews, including the religious leaders/teachers, failed to recognise Jesus as the Messiah?