Daily Readings (Page 92)
Exodus 4:10
What does this objection of Moses indicate about his confidence in taking up the mission?
Exodus 4:2-9
What was the purpose of these signs? Why do you think God gave three different signs?
Exodus 4:1
Do you think Moses was sincere in what he said? Why?
Matthew 16:13-17
In what ways does the content in this passage refute the popular notion that Jesus was just a good teacher, prophet or good example?
Matthew 16:17
What does Jesus’ statement “For this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven” mean?
Matthew 16:16
Who does Simon Peter proclaim Jesus is? How does this truth of Peter’s proclamation influence our carrying out of the Great Commission?
Matthew 16:15
Jesus asked His disciples, “Who do you say I am?” Ask yourself, “Who do you personally say Jesus is?”
Matthew 16:14
John the Baptist was known for his proclamation of the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 3:2). Elijah was known for his miraculous works and prophetic statements (1 Kings 17-18, 21; 2 Kings 1-2). The prophet Jeremiah was known for his compassion and concern for God’s people (Jer. & Lam.). Why did the people say Jesus was one of those men?
Matthew 16:13
Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” Why is it important for Jesus to ask them this question?
Exodus 3:18-22
What did God do in order that Pharaoh accede to Moses’ request? How did Israel plunder the Egyptians?