Discipleship Groups

At ORPC, we understand Christian discipleship as learning to follow Jesus Christ. And following Jesus Christ is not easy – disciples renounce all and make Jesus Lord of their lives.

Here at ORPC, Discipleship Groups (DGs) are the core to disciple-making. In our DGs, we anchor each other in the Word, help each other to live out the gospel, and to mature in our faith. The DG is every member’s primary spiritual family, forming the centre of ORPC’s pastoral care, fellowship, and ministry to each other.

Our DGs are varied in composition, with groups that are formed from those in the same life stage, gender-specific groups, and those with members across different generations. DGs in ORPC typically meet twice a month (about once every two weeks) to share about their spiritual life, daily life, and to study and apply God’s Word to both. The pastoral care of the DG is under the care of a Zone Pastor.

If you are new to us and would like to find out more about joining a DG, please fill in the form on the right.


We’re glad to welcome you into ORPC as one of our members!

Being part of our spiritual family means that:

  1. You are declaring to the world that you are now identified with Jesus
  2. You are committed to ORPC and accountable to this church for your spiritual health and growth
  3. You are responsible for using your spiritual gifts in ministry to serve the Body of Christ in love

Membership in ORPC is by baptism, by confirmation, or by transfer.

To become a member of ORPC, you need to:

  1. Above 16 years old
  2. Attended membership class
  3. Obtain a transfer letter (if you belong to another church at present)

Membership class is typically held twice a year (April-May; Oct-Nov) with Membership Sunday on the 1st Sunday of June and December.

Membership forms can be downloaded here.

Infant Baptism

ORPC baptises infants, with the parents taking vows declaring that the child is now part of God’s covenant people, and that this child will be brought up to know God and love God as part of His covenant people.

Parents are asked to attend a class on biblical parenting before applying for infant baptism for their child. Download form here.

Those who have been baptised as an infant will need to confirm their identity as part of God’s covenant people by continuing to trust, obey, and serve Jesus as they come into adulthood. Confirmation candidates will also go through our membership class and be welcomed as full members of our congregation at our biannual Membership Sunday. Download form here


Congratulations! You are about to embark on one of life’s most exciting journeys. And preparing for marriage is like preparing for all types of weather ahead with God as your anchor and your compass.

To have your marriage solemnised in ORPC, please begin the process early (we recommend at least 18 months) to give time to journey through our Marriage Preparation Class (MPC), marriage mentoring, and 1 year of church membership as pre-requisites.

Wedding Application

If you’re planning to get married in ORPC, after you have completed MPC and membership class, have a few possible dates in mind and email us at orpcenglish@orpc.org.sg. We will then provide a soft copy of guidelines and policy details.