1 Thessalonians

1 Thessalonians

Living in the Light of Christ’s Second Coming

The Apostle Paul wrote 1 Thessalonians in AD 50-51 during his 18-month ministry in Corinth. Except for the possibility of an early date for Galatians (AD 48), this letter represents one of Paul’s earliest canonical letters.

In response to Timothy’s reported concerns about the church, Paul wrote the letter to address several issues.

  • First, Paul wrote to defend attacks on his personal integrity. Non-Christians accused Paul of impure and selfish motives with regard to his ministry.
  • Secondly, Paul wrote to encourage believers, who were being persecuted for their faith in Christ (2:14, 3:1-5).
  • Lastly, but most importantly, Paul wrote to comfort his readers about the fate of both deceased (4: 12-18) and living (5:1-11) beliers at Christ’s return.