The Gospel according to Jesus

The Gospel according to Jesus

With the publication of John MacArthur’s book in 1988, The Gospel According to Jesus, a very important debate amongevangelicals quickly followed, often dividing Christian communities into the so-called “Lordship Salvation” camp and the “Free Grace” camp. The concern is that many people profess to follow Christ, yet don’t display the fruit ofthat confession in their lives. Others leave the faith altogether after some years of church involvement. Were those people ever saved? That question prompts us to examine the substance of the gospel according to Jesus.

Our lesson will explore the following questions –

  1. What truths must you know and believe to be saved?
  2. What is the complete gospel message?
  3. Does saving faith always produce fruit?

The issue at hand is whether, in addition to belief in the gospel, repentance from sin, obedience to God, and submission to Christ’s lordship are necessary for sinners to be saved.

What must I do to enterThe Kingdom of God?
