The Gospel: The Doctrine of First Importance

The Gospel: The Doctrine of First Importance

As evangelical Christians, it is critical for us to understand the core or fundamental belief of Christian faith. The Apostle Paul explains the “gospel” as the doctrine by which the Corinthians were saved as “of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scripture…” (1 Cor 15:3). Thus, the gospel refers to the person and work of Jesus Christ as the fulfilment of OT messianic promises, and constitutes the main storyline of the entire Bible.

Our 2023 SoCM adult Sunday School class has three main learning objectives to support our initiative to build a disciple-making church. We seek to:

  1. understand the “gospel” content in its multi-dimensional facets;
  2. consider how the gospel can transform our lives, and
  3. be trained to share the gospel with non-believers.

The first session is introductory in nature and will cover the “Biblical Gospel” in its concise and broader contexts.
