Are we ready?
By Not Known Last week, Pastor Clive Chin reminded us about the importance of prayer in the Pastoral Message. A small group started to gather for prayer for the worship service before the service started. Pastor Edward Goh in his sermon challenged us to live with a sense of urgency because the Lord’s return is near though we do not know when. Through them, I…
Confidence in Prayer
By Not Known Many Christians are reluctant to pray for various reasons. We stumble over our words and feel a bit self-conscious at times, especially praying in public. The problem is compounded when we compare our prayers with others, who sound more articulate than us. But prayer, in the Christian life, is as important and natural as breathing. Think about it for a…
Don’t Stop Believing
By Not Known For those unaware, earlier this week, apocalyptic news sites reported a claim by numerologist David Meade that the end of the world was going to be ushered in tomorrow (23 April) by the appearance of a mysterious Planet X. In case you might assume this is part of a comic-book superhero movie plotline (check out the related banner outside our church today),…
Watch Our Diet
By Not Known “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you” (Phil. 4:8-9). As I grow…
Waiting on the Lord
By Not Known Living in a fast-paced country like Singapore with easy access to so many instantaneous forms of communication, waiting has become something unpopular. I must confess I have not gotten a lot better about waiting. I am now writing this pastoral message on a reasonably fast laptop. Whenever my husband and I want to buy a new laptop, the first thing that we…
The Blessedness of Meeting the Risen Lord Again
By Not Known Mark’s Gospel ended not just abruptly, but negatively! Why? Its last words in Mark 16:8 is but a depiction of the failure of the woman disciples to obey the angel’s instructions. It seems verses 9 to 20 are later scribal additions to smoothen out this ending with a positive note. These…
Work Out, Work In
By Not Known Every time you attend a Christmas or Easter church service, perhaps you have been challenged or encouraged to share the gospel with your loved ones or friends. It could have been in the past or even during a time like this coming weekend, as we spend more time reflecting or focusing on the gospel and the message of the cross. Paul writes about this in Phil.…
God Hears Us!
By Not Known “Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice.” Ps. 55:17 How do we persevere through trials by trusting and drawing close to the Lord? It could be a hard blow to lose a stable job, or to see a child going wayward, or when a long term relationship end or when one receives the news of a terminal illness. It can be heart-breaking to…
The Blessedness of New Birth
By Not Known Nicodemus, in John 3:1, like the rich young ruler who came to Jesus in Mark 10:17, was a ruler of the Jews. Though a Pharisee, trained from young to keep the law, he had the same struggle as the man in Mark 10:17, which caused him to seek out Jesus one night, for Jesus’ miracles had convinced him that Jesus was from God. Discerning Nicodemus’ struggle, Jesus…
Developing an Intimate and a Loving Relationship with God
By Not Known There is a saying: To know someone is to love him/her. That is exactly what it takes for mutual love to develop. In the olden days, many marriages were arranged by matchmakers. A grandmother, whose marriage was an arranged one, told me that she had not known her spouse until the day of…