We Are Christians by Our Love

We Are Christians by Our Love

Revelation 19:20 says the eternal destiny of all who oppose Christ is the lake of fire. They bear the mark of the beast, with the name “666” inscribed onto their foreheads or hands (Rev 13:17-18, 14:9,11). Believers too, have on their foreheads, a seal, marking them as belonging to God (Rev 9:4). As these are figurative languages, these markings are not physical. What then are the marks of a believer versus those of a non-believer?

John, the beloved Apostle of Christ and author of the Book of Revelation explains the answer plainly in his epistle, 1 John. He wrote 1 John so believers may know with certainty that they belong to God and hence experience this joyous fellowship with Him (1 John 1:4, 5:13).

1 John says, since God is light, believers walk in the light. And since God is love, believers bear God’s name and reflect God’s character by loving Him and His people.

 In contrast, unbelievers will remain in darkness, not knowing the destiny they are heading towards. 1 John echoes the message in John 8. There, the Lord Jesus told the Pharisees that He is the Light (v.12), so those who follow Him will not walk in darkness. Jesus then rebuked the Pharisees for their inability to hear His word because they were of their father, the devil (John 8:43-44). They desired to do the devil’s will. They were reflecting the devil’s character which is the mark of an unbeliever. It is a posture that is anti-Gospel, anti-Christ, and anti-God’s people. It lacks love for the things of God and Christ.

In contrast, believers know God; their sins have thus been forgiven due to Jesus’ shed blood. Their certainty is grounded in the Apostolic eyewitness accounts of the Lord Jesus (1 Jn 1:1-3) from which they knew Jesus is the Word of life, who was with God since the beginning. They hold to Jesus as their Lord by keeping His word and living out His will. They enjoy a living relationship with Jesus and the Father. God is real to them. They know and strive to obey Him.

Do we bear the aforementioned marks of a believer and know we belong to God? Do we seek to do His will? Thus as we dwell on His Word in 1 John these coming weeks, let us ask the Holy Spirit to deepen our assurance in Christ.