Posts from January 2022
Living Rightly by Knowing and Drawing Near to God
James saw himself as the servant of God. His letter is addressed to the new Israelof God, the twelve tribes scattered abroad, the church of Jesus Christ. Insteadof being ensnared by the world, James 4:8 calls the church to draw near to God.Who then is this God? He is revealed in James’ words. James…
The Work of the Word
The past few weeks have been deeply challenging for me. The more time I spend reflecting on James, the more acutely I’m aware of how far I fall short of God’s standards. I struggle to find joy in my trials. I’m slow to hear, quick to speak, quick to anger. I know what God’s word demands of me, but I’m reluctant to do it. The list goes on and on, and that’s only the first…
Kairos course
New website for orpc
Living Rightly Through Practicing God’s Word
When I was in Junior High, my school had an annual school cleaning campaign day. Instead of school bags, we were asked to bring cleaning cloths. Our teacher explained the task of the day—every class is responsible for cleaning their own classrooms and we need to complete the task before the end of…